I finished the backdrop earlier today. Doesn’t look like much here, so I hung it on my quilt rack.
It’s so big, I can’t get back far enough to take a full picture of it. I didn’t measure, but I’m guessing it ended up 156″ wide and 153″ long. Even at an angle I couldn’t get a picture of the whole thing.
So why did I make this? My brother asked me to. 🙂
Pretend that my Tonka Beetle is a Pinewood Derby Car. There is a big regional(?) race that my nephew’s troop/pack is sponsoring and my brother is taking photos of all the boys with their cars.
Now here’s a show off picture. The black block I’m pointing to is the block to the left of the seam. There are a couple of bobbles, but you have to look close or enlarge the picture to see them.
Now, to figure out how to get it to my brother.