I have several quilts which need to be quilted sooner than later. Last night the plan was to dig in the stash and find backings for these two quilts. One will be quilted on Monday, the other later in the week. The Red and Blue stars I found in the fabric I brought from Momma’s. At the time (nearly midnight?) I thought it should work, but it’s not doing it for me. But I had it.
I could find absolutely NOTHING for the brown quilt. I might have been able to do a pieced backing, but I wasn’t feeling it and quite frankly, didn’t want to mess with it in the time I have. (I need to get borders on another quilt & catch up on the A4AQAL) So, today at lunch I took off for one of the LQS – Creative Hands in Belton. I found the brown and white fabric on the 40% off rack. Score! Then when I came home and had better light I realized I really do like the red and blue stars.
At one point between not wanting to piece the backing and going to the store I thought about finding a sheet for the backing. I know there are pros and cons to using a sheet, but I figured if I can use a tablecloth, I could try a sheet. But I forgot that plan.
But after work when we were out running errands, we stopped at the Kmart going out of business. I found a hot pink sheet on sale. I thought it would be perfect with the pink and black quilt that has recently been moved up in the queue to be quilted. (Sheet on the left quilt on the right). I’m pleased with how well the color works.
While I was digging for backings, I cleared most of the flat surfaces in the sewing room (or at least got it down to something manageable) and put away all the fabric which had been laying around. Finally I pulled the fabric for Lesson 12. I’m a bit behind since Lesson 15 was released this week.