Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

Stash Busting Report – February 14, 2025

Although the yellow might make you think of my Quilt Studio, this is in my brother’s wood shop.  He sent me this picture this afternoon of the doors of the vanity he is making me. Aren’t they gorgeous? They are walnut and most if not all of the wood came from the same tree/log that my fireplace mantel did.  My brother kiln dried the wood then milled it.

Now the stash report.

Saturday on my way home from the MQA meeting I stopped in at Ritzy Quilting Company and picked up another Dahila layer cake for my Living on Cornbread quilt.  I really need to get back to that.  Per my calculations, a layer cake contains about 3 yards of fabric.


On the usage side, I pulled 1 3/4 yard of fabric from my stash for the backing of the President’s Challenge quilt.  I’m still ahead, but i saw a gorgeous piece of backing earlier today.  I don’t have a quilt for it yet, but it’s my colors.  I may be making the drive to Crystal Springs and bringing home 2 new backings for quilts I haven’t even conceived of yet, they are that beautiful.

Fabric Added Since Last Report: 3 yards
Fabric Added to Date:  4 yards

Fabric Used Since Last Report: 1.75 yards
Fabric Used to Date: 9.625 yards

Net Fabric Stash: -5.625 yard



Brandon Quilters President’s Challenge

As President of Brandon Quilters, I issued a challenge to our members to make 8″ finished Double 4-Patch blocks to be sewn into community quilts.  The challenged was issued at our January meeting to bring in blocks no later than our April meeting. To date 112 blocks have been made.  The plan is to use 35 blocks set 5 x 7 to make lap quilts.   One quilter brought in a complete quilt last month and her daughter brought in in a quilt top. Last night I quilted it.

This quilt measures 40″ x 56″, so I was able to pull  1 1/2 yards of fabric from my stash to use for the backing.


Pamela K’s President’s Challenge

  • Quilted 2/12/25
  • 74″ x 92″
  • Glide 40wt in Kiwi
  • Square Cut E2E
  • Legacy 80/20 batting



What I’m Working on Wednesday – 2/12/2025

Last night I loaded a customer quilt on the frame and started quilting it.  It’s going pretty fast, but I need to wind another bobbin, so called it a night. While the computer was doing it’s thing, I worked on the remaining Laura’s Little Notebook Covers.  I think 6 are pinned and ready to stitch.

A Busy Weekend – Stash Report, a Finish, and This Week’s Goals

This past weekend was jam packed.  Friday I was waiting on a package and finishing the binding on a quilt before driving to Hattiesburg to the MQA meeting.  Saturday after the meeting, I headed home and stopped at Ritzy Quilting. Sunday I went back to Hattiesburg as I left something at the hotel. When I got home I watched “my team” get soundly defeated in the big game. Monday, I cleaned and cooked as I hosted Bunco. So, let’s start with the Stash Report which I planned to post on Friday.

Stash Report

I cut out more of the Little Laura Notebooks and as of Friday, no new fabric added to my stash.

Fabric Added Since Last Report: 0 yards
Fabric Added to Date:  1 yards

Fabric Used Since Last Report: 1.25 yards
Fabric Used to Date: 7.875 yards

Net Fabric Stash: -6.875 yard

A Finish!

This is another variation of the 2024 Brandon Quilters Block of the Month.  I call this one Framed.  All I needed to do was bind and label it.  It’s on my Brandon Quilters UFO list, MQA UFO List, and 2 other online UFO lists.

  • Started 2/4/24
  • Finished 2/7/25
  • 74″ x 92″
  • Glide 40wt in Magic Mint
  • Fresco Feathers
  • Legacy 80/20 batting
  • Made for the program “Got Blocks? Now What?”

Weekly Goals

Last week there were 3 goals

  • Get Framed bound – DONE
  • I have 10 more notebook covers prepped.
  • Living on Cornbread — I need to go pick up another layer cake on Friday.  – Picked it up Saturday.

As expected all I got done on the Living on Cornbread was picking up the layer cake on my way home from the MQA meeting. The extra trip to Hattiesburg kept me from the sewing machine Sunday before the game.

Goals for the Week of 2/10/2025

  • Finish the notebook covers.
  • Bind the BQ 2024 BOM Blue Waters
  • Quilt Cindy’s Pizza Box Quilt
  • Prep Clues 4 & 5 of the BQ 2025 Mystery Quilt
  • Make 10 sets of corners for Living on Cornbread
  • Bind Illusions

Looking at this it seems like a lot – tonight I have to finish the newsletter for Quilters By Hearts Desire, so I can’t really get started until tomorrow. But there’s nothing on my calendar for this weekend.  I want to get as much done as I can, as I’m not certain when my brother will be here.


My New Vanity

My brother is building the vanities for my bathrooms. I was expecting him to bring the larger one to me towards the end of this month.  Imagine my surprise when I get a the following message from him:

I can have both your vanities delivered to you 2 days

I freaked out a bit.  I have a busy weekend with the state quilt guild, the big football game and hosting Bunco.  He then sent me this picture.

and told me some assembly required.  He’s still planning on delivering by the end of the month.  I’ve ordered the sink and faucet. They are arriving today, but I didn’t have drawer/door pulls.  So I ordered them last night.

These are very similar to the ones I got for my office.

The door and drawer fronts are not correct in this drawing, but I think this is the configuration I’m getting.

What I’m Working on Wednesday – 2/5/2025

Not a lot of progress has been made since I set my goals for the week. Interfacing has been applied to the pieces of the Laura’s Little Notebook Covers and the tab stitched.  Tonight after work I need to get the binding on the quilt.  I need to have it finished by Friday!

2024 Starts

I’m happy to report that most of the projects I started in 2024 were completed last year or in January 2025.  These are the ones which are still unfinished.

First up is Multiplicity.  Diane Knott spoke at a guild event and taught this class the next day back in April.  I was late to the class — it seems like I was working that morning, then after we got going I didn’t like my fabric selection — I didn’t have enough lighter colors.  When I got home I pulled additional fabric from my batik stash, but didn’t get anything done since I shortly left for my trip to Scotland and came back work on multiple quilts for a couple of programs I was giving later in the year.  This project finally was boxed up and put on the shelf. It’s not on this year’s list but maybe I’ll have to pull it out for next year.

The top 2 quilts are from my program “Got Blocks?  Now What?” where I discussed different settings to use when you have a stack of blocks — in these case blocks from a Block of the Month.  The bottom one is Illusions from a 3-yard book, made bigger.  The BOM quilts were quilted in August and the Illusions quilted in November.  They are all waiting to be bound and are on my 2025 UFO Goals list.

At the Brandon Quilters Auction in November, I picked up this top. I have the backing and want to get it quilted this year.

Also started were 2 versions of the Brandon Quilters 2025 Mystery Quilt. For obvious reasons I’m not posting any photos.

If I don’t get too distracted, one of these will rollover onto the 2026 UFO list.


Weekly Goals for the Week of 2/3/25

How did I do on last week’s goals:

  • Quilt 2 quilts for deliver on Monday. – DONE
  • Bind Framed – In Progress. The binding is made.
  • Finish at least another 4 Laura’s Little Notebooks – DONE — I have 20 finished.
  • At least 10 sets of corners for Living on Cornbread – Did not touch
  • Don’t work on Compass Lonestar – I’ve put it away.

This week’s goals are limited, as Brandon Quilters meets tonight, and I’m going to the Spring Gathering of the Mississippi Quilt Association Friday & Saturday night. I’ll also have the big football game on Sunday as “my team” is playing and I’m prepping to host the Bunco ladies next Monday.

  • Get Framed bound — This is my show-n-tell at the MQA meeting, so it has to be a priority.
  • I have 10 more notebook covers prepped. Technically I won’t need them until December, but I’ll be able to cross them off my list.
  • I haven’t forgotten about Living on Cornbread — I need to go pick up another layer cake on Friday. But I’m not sure I’ll get any piecing done on it this week.

It’s only the 3rd of the month and I’m looking at my packed calendar. I’m not sure how much I’ll get done this month, but that is why I’m setting goals – to keep me on track.

Stash Busting Report – January 31, 2025

I attempted to make this post early yesterday morning, but I couldn’t upload my photos, so here it is just past midnight. Close enough.  This is a photo of how I managed to topstitch my Laura’s Little Notebook Covers.  The edge that I was stitching was thicker than where the presser foot was so the dog feeds were not working.  I grabbed my tweezers, putting them under the presser foot and was able to successfully finish the top stitching.

I finished the sewing on 15 of the notebook covers.  They still need the snap closure, but hey tomorrow (today?) is another day.  I’ll work on that after I get back from the quilt club meeting. A new group is starting across town and I thought I’d check it out.  I also want to load the next quilt on the frame when I get back. I’m not sure how much I’ll get done as I plan to go dancing. I skipped tonight to finish the quilt I was working on.

So here is my stash report:

Fabric Added Since Last Report: 0 yards
Fabric Added to Date:  1 yards

Fabric Used Since Last Report: 2 yards
Fabric Used to Date: 6.625 yards

Net Fabric Stash: -5.625 yards


What I’m Working on Wednesday – 1/29/2025

I’m having issues with some of the snaps on my Laura’s Little Notebooks.  I need to repair the floral one where I pulled the snap off. The others are ready to assemble.  Once I get the longarm going, I’ll work on these.

I have finally decided how to quilt Lone Star quilt on my frame, so I got it loaded late last night.  Tonight after I get off from work, I’ll start the quilting.  As you can see, in my effort to not work on my Compass Lone star, I’ve removed the smaller blocks. The center is still on the wall because I’m trying to get the needle holes out of the background.