Although the yellow might make you think of my Quilt Studio, this is in my brother’s wood shop. He sent me this picture this afternoon of the doors of the vanity he is making me. Aren’t they gorgeous? They are walnut and most if not all of the wood came from the same tree/log that my fireplace mantel did. My brother kiln dried the wood then milled it.
Now the stash report.
Saturday on my way home from the MQA meeting I stopped in at Ritzy Quilting Company and picked up another Dahila layer cake for my Living on Cornbread quilt. I really need to get back to that. Per my calculations, a layer cake contains about 3 yards of fabric.
On the usage side, I pulled 1 3/4 yard of fabric from my stash for the backing of the President’s Challenge quilt. I’m still ahead, but i saw a gorgeous piece of backing earlier today. I don’t have a quilt for it yet, but it’s my colors. I may be making the drive to Crystal Springs and bringing home 2 new backings for quilts I haven’t even conceived of yet, they are that beautiful.
Fabric Added Since Last Report: 3 yards
Fabric Added to Date: 4 yards
Fabric Used Since Last Report: 1.75 yards
Fabric Used to Date: 9.625 yards
Net Fabric Stash: -5.625 yard