Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

Category Archives: Quilting

Weekly Goals for the Week of 1/27/25

First did I meet last week’s goals?

  • Quilt 2 quilts – I only got one done.


  • Bind the retreat Jelly Roll Quilt – DONE
  • At least 4 of the 12 Laura’s Little Notebooks. – DONE  I have 6 finished, 1 just needs a snap, 2 more need topstitching and a snap and I have another 11 cutout and interfaced.


This week the goals are:

  • Quilt 2 quilts (I need to deliver them on Monday)
  • Bind Framed – this is on my UFO list and I’m showing it at the MQA Spring Gathering
  • Finish at least another 4 Laura’s Little Notebooks
  • At least 10 sets of corners for Living on Cornbread – I need all the units done before I can really start to assemble the blocks.
  • And now an odd goal — Don’t work on Compass Lonestar  This quilt has been on numerous UFO lists since 2007.  It started as a Quilt-As-You-Go project, but the reality is for a large project I don’t like this method — especially since I now have a longarm. Really just need to take it off the design wall so it doesn’t tempt me. I don’t need this quilt until mid-May and I’d like to get Living on Cornbread done by the end of next month.I wonder how much I can get done?  There is a new quilt group forming that meets on Saturday morning, I’m going dancing either Friday or Saturday maybe both nights, and Brandon Quilters meets next Monday night.

No New Projects

No New Projects needs to be my mantra. Let’s face it. If I ever find time to sew in the next few weeks, I have plenty to work on — I’m only on Step # # of Old Tobacco Road; I only have 6 rows of 14 sewn together on my DH’s music quilt; the Pink and Brown and the Stack-n-Wack quilt both need borders; and then there are the other 30 quilts that are in various stages of piecing, another 30 tops of various sizes which need to be quilted and the 20 PIGs which have been identifed and lined up if I ever feel the need to cut into “new” fabric.

My only problem is Day & Night from Quilt in a Day arrived in the mail yesterday.

I LOVE the cover quilt – black and white with red accents. I don’t have enough black, white and red fabric in my stash to make this quilt or even a 4 block table runner. Made the Quilt in a Day way, scrappy won’t cut it. Nonetheless, yesterday I dug through my yardage boxes to see what I could find. I came up with 2 possibilites.

The Dark Pink, Light Pink and Black accent option:

And the Pink, Yellow and Purple accent with Turquoise butterfly borders option:

No new projects. No new projects. No new projects. Maybe I’ll simply put the fabric back in the yardage boxes, the book on the shelf and the template in the template box and call it a night.

New to Blogging

Well, this is my first real blogging post. Knowing nothing about blogging, I had previously been searching for a free PDF host site. If found out I can’t host PDFs here. I did find one which was working for my purposes at FreePDFHosting.com.

I love to quilt, although lately it seems it’s been more piecing. At the begining of 2009 I have way to many projects in the works. So I’m going to work on getting them done this year, along with not buying speculation fabric – or even fabric that I’m not ready to use immediately. That doesn’t mean I won’t buy fabric, just that I’ll pay better attention to what and when I buy it.

Eventually, I may get a pretty side bar to list out the top 10 projects I’m working on, or my tops to be quilted, or projects in the works, but for now, here’s a simple accounting of them.

As of 1/1/09:

UFOs/WIP: 33
Tops: 31
PIGS: 16

I guess that’s all for now.
