After my big machine died, I picked up Ruby’s Brother to use until Miss Genie came home. I picked her up yesterday afternoon and after I got home from the quilt guild meeting I opened her up and started piecing.

The sewing machine is currently sitting where the longarm will go. This is what the space looked like Friday night. I’ve been busy.

But first there was a bit of retail therapy. The blocks on the left were cut with the Accuquilt Machine. I stopped in at Twin Oaks Crafts in Richland, Mississippi and rented their GO! Big Crazy Quilt-10″ Finished Die. It didn’t take me long to cut out all 50 blocks and they went together SO fast — right up until my sewing machines died. I still need to one more seam on about 20 of the blocks then this quilt will be ready to assemble. As to the retail therapy, I plan to do a narrow border of the turquoise and then use the black splatter as the border. The Purple space/star is a wide backing that I’ll use on both quilts.
The pile of blocks on the right are the last of the auction blocks. They are trimmed and ready to sash. The lime green is the sashing and the bubbles is the border.

I’m aiming for a 70 x 90 quilt, so I’m 18 blocks short. Last night I only had seven completed, with 3 in progress when Miss Genie decided I needed to go to bed. This morning I changed the needle, re-threaded the machine and pulled some thread off the bobbin and I was able to finish 3 more blocks.

Also over the weekend I made significant progress on my swap blocks. I need to finish the brown set and then sew them into a 12″ block.
Not shown are the two Pizza Box Blocks I made for the Guild swap. I wasn’t able to work on the block right away since my brother arrived the evening of the Guild meeting. So 2 weeks of house remodeling, a week to recover, and then the machines died. As soon as I picked up Ruby’s spare machine, I made the block I was to swap last night. I brought a new box home and IMMEDIATELY made the block I’m to take back next month.
I have a few more days of piecing then I’ve got to clean up my mess to make room for the long arm.