Amy’s Creative Side is hosting the Blogger’s Quilt Festival.
My entry in the Scrappy Quilt category is the Spool Challenge quilt. This was the leader/ender project that Bonnie Hunter lead beginning in July 2012. Over the course of a year I made 334 spools. The great thing about this quilt is with the exception of the backing it came entirely from my stash.
When it came time to buy the backing I found the perfect fabric (it’s the body of the pillowcase in the picture below). Everyone who saw it looked at me funny — until they saw it with the quilt.
When I started making the quilt, I had no idea where it was going to end up. By the time I quilted it, I knew who I was giving it to.
Boo claimed it when it was unwrapped and placed under the Christmas tree, but ultimately landed on this beautiful antique bed.
Doesn’t it look like it was made specifically for that bed? I had no idea they owned it.
Do hop over to Amy’s Creative Side to see all the quilts.