Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

Cranberry Wishes Table Runner – A Finish

The table runner is finished.

I’m sure you are thinking haven’t I seen this table runner before? What wasn’t finished on it then?

Three things.

1 – I had to decide if I was going to do the raw edge applique.
2 – I found a strip which did not get caught and it needed to be repaired.
3 – It needed a label.

I choose to skip the applique because if I use this on the table, I want dishes to sit flat. That and generally speaking applique is not something I do.

The repair took a bit of thought. I came up with a solution, which although is visible to me, shouldn’t really be visible to anyone else — especially if I’ve got the table set on top of it.

The label I printed a label and then ‘bound’ it with the backing fabric. A bit of sticky fusible to hold it in place while I hand stitched it down.

This project is done!

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