Back in February, I posted about my First Quilt. It’s still missing in action, but tonight while my husband and I were looking through our box of pictures I uncovered this one.
Here it is on my bed shortly after I finished it. You can clearly see that there’s next to no quilting in it. I also can date the quilt a little more precisely. On the back of the picture I wrote:
My quilt I made in Clothing. 11th grade. Apr 80
Shoot, the first picture I found tonight had it scrunched up on the bed and one of the cats laying on the bed — proof that I still had it and was using it later. Of course I found this pic and then tossed that one back in the box. Now I wish I had kept it out. Flipping back through the box just now I didn’t see it. Oh well. Maybe the next time we dig through our box of pictures.