I’m not one for Black Friday Shopping – I’m not into getting up at some early hour and waiting in the cold just to get a good price. However, my husband told me as we headed to bed last night he wanted to get up early to hit a sale. Fortunately by “early” he meant 7 AM.
Sure enough we were pulling in the parking lot at 7:30 AM and we got our $20 gadget for $5. He’s happy. Then he said he would go out with me. Naturally that meant the box fabric stores. I needed border fabric and backing fabric for the red and black quilt and backing fabric for my Deadline Quilt. I can’t decide if I picked a good border fabric for the red and black quilt pictured above or not and there’s only 3 yards of fabric, so not really enough for a backing unless we get creative. (No, I didn’t take any of the quilts with me, I’m not sure what I was thinking.) We’ll see what happens.
The second fabric I fell in love with and thought it would be a good backing for my 3″ spools quilt.
My husband just looked at it and said yuk. So did one of my quilting buddies when she saw it. To me it’s perfect. And at $3.49/yard I took the rest of the bolt. I couldn’t remember if 5 1/2 yards would be enough and there was only 6 1/4 or 6 1/2 yards left.
Then it was hubby’s turn again. We bought a snowblower off of Craigslist. One of the local weather forecasters is predicting several 8-inch snow falls, snow not melting between snow falls and a total of 30 inches of snow for the season.
After we dropped it off for a tune up, it was on to dinner at Outback (my pick) for our 28th Wedding Anniversary.
All in all, a great day in the company of the man I love.
Happy Anniversary! Glad you got to go out together. No Shopping for me this year!