It’s Wednesday again!
Last week had simple goals:
- Continue working on the DWR – working on daily, missed one day
- Make at least two SBS Blocks (I need to do 8 more this month). – Got all 8 done!
- Make two swap blocks. – made one
- Don’t work on the dragonflies. – done! — or is it not done?
I kited up everything I need for the dragonflies and put them in the bag I take to guild. This bag is hung on the end of my shelves and currently my library bag is hanging in front of it. So between the deterrent of them not being easily assessable and that I stayed busy on the SBS and DWR no progress was made on the dragonflies – which is a good thing. (I need some hand work to take to the guild retreat next month).
Progress is being made on the DWR. I’m on the second row and this row is going quicker. I think I’m still on track to finish the quilting in November.
I pushed this past week and finished 10 blocks for my SBS – 1 for each week of the SBS BOW and 5 for the SBS Offline Quilters. Since these are 6″ block, my leaders and enders are larger than most of the block pieces (currenly working on 4″ HSTs as my L&E project)
So what do I want to get accomplished this week?
- Get the label on the baby quilt (my great-nephew arrived last week!)
- Continue working on the DWR
- Make two swap blocks
- Piece the backing for Oklahoma Backroads and decide on a quilting design
Check out what others are planning on this week by following the links over at Bari’s.
How original! To put “NOT work on something” on the list. I may have to try that my ownself!
I was having too much fun week before last on those dragonflies. They worked up quick and I got to color! Had to stop myself.
What a cutie! Can’t beat that as incentive to finish up a label, especilly now that you know the name. LOL
You got a bunch done this week! Even some “not” done. Way to go!
You got so much done…WOW.
I am looking forward to seeing your DWR