Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

Raising Cane – A Dorothy Young Mystery Quilt

This morning I added the borders to Raising Cane.

Originally, I had a beautiful butterfly print for the border, but it just wasn’t working when I finished the center of the quilt. Then I remembered a stripe fabric I bought that didn’t work for it’s intended purpose. It was perfect. The top now sings.

While I was debating the border, I finished up Part 2 of Carolina Christmas.

2 Thoughts on “Raising Cane – A Dorothy Young Mystery Quilt

  1. AHHHHH, you made me look! I like it though so I'll get to sewing as soon as Christmas is over at my house later this week.

  2. Helen in the UK on December 28, 2009 at 9:08 am said:

    Congrats on getting a top finished and Clue 2 of C Ch. I think you made the right decision to get more of the bright white for the background. Looking good so far :)Helen in the UK(fellow Quiltville Chat member)

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