This week there are bits and pieces from three quilts in my count — the Orca Bay string blocks, some of the Orca Bay HST squares (all cut, but only 80 pieced), the HST squares I got pieced for Ocean Waves and 42 log cabin blocks. Who knows, I might just hit 50 yards net by the end of the year — if I can stay out of the quilt shops!
Fabric Added Last Week: 3.25 yards
Fabric Added to Date: 130.686 yards
Fabric Used Last Week: 4.393 yards
Fabric Used to Date: 169.155 yards
Net Used for 38.469 yards
The links over at Patchwork Times will show how others are doing.
I added less than I used and Used A LOT so my Stash Report is looking better. Still Negative but Better than over -100 or 80. I just want to get into the Black! I have a bout 3 weeks to do it.
More out than in is a good week. You are almost to 40 yards, so 50 shouldn’t be too hard to get too.