I’ve decided to add a round of blocks to my Nifty Thifty quilt. So, I’ve had to come up with some substitutions as I will run out of the beige and red shirts I used for the sashing and the cornerstones.
The picture above is the sashing fabric — the one on the top is what I’ve used so far, the plaid on the bottom is the substitute. That was easy. The decision regarding the cornerstones is not going to be as easy.
The plaid across the bottom is what is in the quilt. There simply is not enough of this shirt left unless I haphazardly piece scraps together – and then there may not be. I’m considering using another red shirt for the cornerstones on the outer edge. I’ve added a strip of brown across the top as that shirt is part of the pieced sashing which actually surrounds the cornerstone.
My first thought was to use the plaid on the left as it has the yellow that is in the original shirt. Now that I see it with the brown, I’m not so sure. Perhaps the right on the right. Which ever shirt I don’t use will end up in the quilt as a block. Since I need to make another 22 blocks, I can leave the three red blocks to the end and ponder the question. Who knows, I may dig through my crumb box and find more of the original plaid.