These are the 2008 Retreat Swap Blocks. The block is from Block Central’s 2007 Block of the Month. It is installment 3 B and is called Glenwood Avenue. I ran out of steam before finishing the center of the top, but all of the remaining pieces are prepped and ready to go.
This past week I also finished up another 20 of the flying geese blocks for Sew Scrappy. I got distracted by the bag and the swap blocks. This top may end up going to retreat with me next month. After I get the rest done, I have a ton of 9-patches and 25-patches to make.
While all this sewing was going on I managed to make another 20 spool blocks. This brings my total to 170 of the 310 that I currently think I need (this number varies depending on how I think I’m going to set them.)
Check out the links over at Patchwork Times to see what others have been up to.
Your Glenwood Avenue blocks are very pretty. I like the unusual setting.
Love those Glenwood Avenue blocks! It’s going to be a gorgeous quilt. 🙂
I really like how the dark sashing squares pop in that quilt. Have fun getting to retreat! Sorry about the finger, been there done that, got the T-Shirt, LOL