Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

What’s On My Design Wall



I promise I’ve been sewing — in fact I spent the vast majority of my vacation sitting at my sewing machine working on a test quilt using the fabrics I picked out last week. Ironically, what looked good in the picture of the fabrics is not looking so good in actuality. Perhaps when I get the borders on the quilt the green will pop a bit more.

But in the meantime, Syd got the borders on her quilt this past weekend. Rummaging through my stash, we found a lavender and this darker purple fabric. As you can see, she picked the darker purple – adventurous kid that she is. I love it. Now to find a backing and to quilt it. She wants it quilted in butterflies.

Check out what others have on their design walls by following the links over at Patchwork Times.


One Thought on “What’s On My Design Wall

  1. I like the PINK and Purple Quilt Sydney is moving right along with your help. Who are you TESTING for??? Sounds fiun.

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