Last week was quite busy.
It started off with quilting the deadline quilt #1. Let’s just say my vision and quilting skills don’t quite match up yet. I haven’t decided if I’ll rip the quilting out or not, But it’s purpose was served. I needed a new plan.
I looked through my list of quilt tops in the 60 x 72 range and came up with Simply Squares – and I had the backing fabric.
Not quite the same size, but close enough to be the backup quilt. I’m happy to report that I liked the quilting this time and learned that if I can’t find pre-wound bobbins in the “right” color, go with another color. I spent more time changing and winding bobbins….
I’m still attaching the binding or I’d have a better picture. Then there are all those thread ends which need to be hidden.
After I finished quilting this quilt, I quilted Deadline Quilt # 2.
Seven has given it her seal of approval. Eventually I’ll post a full picture of the quilt, but not quite yet.
While I wasn’t doing actual quilting, I did a bit of piecing.
All the flying geese are made for the Aiming for Accuracy Quilt-Along quilt. The other string is on my sewing table partially pieced together.
This week my plan is to finish binding Simply Squares and get the borders on A4AQA. But of course we all know how plans go.
Check out the links over at Patchwork Times to see what others are working on.
I hear ya! I quilt beautifully in my sleep, but putting the needle down on the quilt isn’t quite as I would like it all the time. Quilt Buddy, Lynn says Good enough for gov’t work.
Your quilt looks very nice to me. Can’t see anything wrong with the quilting from here! Are you having tension problems or is it something else.