Today, a little bit of several things.
On the wall proper, are 15 of the 20 blocks from Victory Quilts. I think I can safely say that this quilt top won’t be finished in October. But I have 8 more blocks than I did at the beginning of the month.
Closer to a UFO finish for October is the Texas Braid.
I have a few spots I need to fix on the binding and then this one will be done. I would have finished it last night, but I dropped my seam ripper and couldn’t find it. By the time I found it, I had changed my foot and thread, so this will have to be done while I wait for Trick or Treaters.
In the meantime, I pulled out my log cabin which I was working on as my leader/ender project. I added one more log to 40 blocks. There are another 80 blocks for this round.
As I mentioned last week I’ve decided to make an Ocean Waves quilt. It needs 1536 half square triangle blocks. I have a deadline of mid-May to have the quilt completed. Based on these two facts, I’ve decided I need to make 75 a week. Then I started digging for my bonus HSTs.
After my marathon pressing and counting session of my bonus HSTs I came up with 320 usable HSTs. I’ve since sewn another 80 – meeting my target of 75 a week for a total of 400 triangles.
Even though I’m ahead of the game so to speak, I’m going to continue to aim for 70 or 80 a week. I might need more time than I’ve ‘allowed’ for the block assembly.
To see if anyone else is bouncing all over the place, or if they are working on just one, maybe two things, check out the links over at Patchwork Times.
Wow! you are all energy these days. I like your Victory quilt. It’s looking good. Great way to use left over triangle pieces. I save ’em, I sew ’em, sometimes but that is as far as I get. It’s time to step up to the plate and USE them!
I had a great quilt figured out for my pink and white and the dark/light HST — but before I could get it done, I decided on the ocean waves quilt. I may try to make the other quilt using the red/light; blue/light and gold/light squares instead.
75-80 HSTs a week for months makes me weak in the knees! I recently completed a sample quilt for the store where I work and it had 400 HSTs in it. I thought that was crazy and that I would never do it again and yet I am already loving a quilt that has many HSTs. I appreciate your plan!
I was surprised by how many I was able to get done in the course of listening to a CD — 40 HST and 40 strips sewn to the log cabin blocks. Of course all fabric was cut before I turned on the CD.
Aren’t we supposed to be bouncing all over the place? That’s what makes quilting so much fun! 🙂