Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

Category Archives: Garden Lattice

A Flurry of Finishes – July 2024

July 4th last year was on a Thursday and I turned in into a really long weekend. My company gave us both Thursday and Friday off and I took off Monday – 5 days off from work and I used it to jump start my quilting.

First up was finishing the binding on Auction Strings IV.  I was working on the binding of this quilt October 29th and the following morning I heard that nearly half my team at work go laid off.  Life got super crazy and it simply sat on the sewing machine for 8 months before I got back to it.   This is called Auction Strings IV as it is the 4th quilt I made from a stack of string blocks I bought at auction in 2018.  I think I’ve finally used them all.

  • Started 9/21/18 (the date of the Auction) Finished 7/3/2024
  • 71″ x 91″
  • Glide 40wt in Strawberry Blond
  • Overlapping Crop Circles
  • Legacy 80/20 batting
  • Donation Quilt

Another quilt on the to-be-bound list is Chain Link. This is a Villa Rosa pattern.  The fabric I received from the estate of a former guild member.  The quilt was a quick piece, in fact I had it quilted the same day, the set it aside before getting it bound.

  • Started 9/30/2023 Finished 7/4/2024
  • 41-1/2″ x 63″
  • Glide 40 wt Thyme
  • Gaiety
  • Legacy 80/20 batting
  • Donation Quilt

July was not all about old UFOs. This is Double 4-Patch, my own pattern. I pieced and quilted it in June while I was working on the pattern.

  • Started 6/2/2024 – Finished 7/4/2024
  • 12-1/2″ x 48″
  • Glide 40 wt Amethyst
  • SCF-196 Tur 1 Block v2 — I cut the block in half for the setting triangles
  • Legacy 80/20 batting
  • Mine

Yes, I made a 2nd runner, this one for the shop sample as I taught this class at Ritzy Quilting Company last summer.  The fabric is from a line called Rory.  I quilted it on my sewing machine.

  • Started 6/17/24 – Finished 7/4/24
  • 12-1/2″ x 48″
  • Thread – unknown
  • Straight line on the domestic machine
  • Legacy 80/20 batting
  • Mine, currently hanging in the shop

Back to the stack of binding. This is Garden Lattice. The pattern can be found in the book Just Can’t Cut It! by Pamela Moster.  The fabric is from the estate of a guild member.

  • Started 9/10/2023 Finished 7/4/2024
  • 62″ x 76-1/2″
  • Glide 40 wt Thyme
  • Gaiety
  • Legacy 80/20 batting
  • Donation Quilt

I call this quilt Squirrel!  Last summer I did a presentation on Orphan Block quilts, so I pulled out my stuffed box of orphan blocks, threw them up on the design wall and started editing them. This is what I came up with.  I call it Squirrel because it’s all over the place and I finally got to use my Squirrel fabric in the border.

  • Finished 7/4/2024
  • 56-1/2″ x 67 -1/2″
  • Glide 40 wt Strawberry Blond
  • Overlapping Crop Circles
  • Legacy 80/20 batting
  • Mine

The final quilt of July is the Brandon Quilters Half-Square Triangle quilt.  At the May meeting we had a program on Half Square Triangles (HST).  After the presentation the group broke up into groups of 3 or 4 and were given a bag of pre-cut HST to design a block.  Someone from each group took the pieces home and bought them back the next month as a completed block.  I then brought them home and designed this quilt, quilted it. The guild ultimately donated it to one of our charities.

  • Started 5/5/24 –  Finished 7/4/2024
  • 65 -1/2″ x 83″
  • Glide 40 wt Mercury
  • Nightlight
  • Legacy 80/20 batting
  • Donation Quilt

Bonus Quilt

A friend asked me if it was possible to re-quilt a quilt without taking the binding off. I had no idea, so I threw my Strippy 4-Patch which I finished in April of 2010 on the frame.  It was originally quilted on my domestic machine. Because it is a well loved quilt, the stitching has started to pop.  I threw it on my long arm and re-quilted it with edge-to-edge design Espalier.  Is it perfect? No, but I expect the quilt to easily last anther 15 years if not longer.


Keeping the Momentum Going

Since I’ve gotten back from the retreat, I’ve kept the momentum going.  There are 4 more quilts on my 2023 Brandon Quilters UFO list and 2 of them are one step closer. My goal is to show them Monday night at the meeting.  First up is Auction Strings IV.  For this one I used Strawberry Blond thread and Overlapping Crop Circles.  The backing is a wide back I picked up in April. The binding is cut (turquois with a cheddar flange) and needs to be made.

LSU Athena is next on the list. For this quilt i used Buttercup thread and a sports motif quilting design. Originally I planned to use the LSU fabric as the outer border, but I like the tiger stripe better, so the LSU fabric ended up on the back.  I have enough fabric to make a pillowcase to go with this quilt.  The binding will be in the tiger stripe with a purple flange, just to make it easer to stitch down.

The most recent top is the Orange Lily Garden Lattice.

It is ready to load on the longarm as soon as I get the backing pieced.  Since I have so much of the lily fabric, the backing will be the same as the main fabric.  After cutting the backing, I counted folds.  I think I still have 7 1/2 – 8 yards of fabric left.  I have another quick quilt in mind, but before I can start it, I need to get the bindings on all of these quilts.

And because I sat down to write this post on the 27th, a picture of my babies.  Butterscotch (R) and Gracie (L). Today was their ‘gotcha day’ anniversary.  I can’t believe it’s been 9 years.

Weekend Quilt Retreat

This past weekend was Brandon Quilters annual retreat at Lake Tiak O’Khata.  A great time was had by all.

After I had committed to attend the retreat, I found out that I needed to work this weekend.  Fortunately it was for just an hour each Friday night and Sunday morning and I work remotely, so it didn’t diminish the fun too much.

The first project I finished was Auction Strings IV.  This is the last of the string blocks I purchased at auction back in 2018. I just needed to add the setting corner squares and the borders.

I pulled Athena out next.  This is from GE Designs Stripology 2.  Shortly after I moved to Mississippi I started this quilt, but it got put away after the work on the house started in earnest. I had 16 of the 48 blocks made, but all the fabric cut. It is made by piecing strips around a center square then making 3 diagonal cuts through the block. The pieces are then mixed up and sewn back together again.  Then the trimming begins. One that’s done, the top comes together quickly.  I put it away at this point, as I forgot I had not bought, let alone brought with me the inner border fabric. I did make a run to a LQS and purchased fabric for the border, so I hope to get it finished this week.

I always bring way too much with me to work on, so I had to choose what to work on next.  My rainbow charm swap or something new.  I picked something new. All of this fabric came from the estate of former guild member. It went together so fast.  I plan to get the border done on this quilt this week as well.

Stash Enhancing

Saturday morning I had the opportunity to add to my stash from the estate of a local quilter. There was so much to chose from and as I understand it by the time I got there there was a ton of stuff which had already been hauled out. There was still plenty left, but I didn’t know where I would put it and I just didn’t know what I’d make.

From the haul, I’ve pulled these fabrics.  That flower is 8″ wide, so it makes it challenging.  But I think I’ve found the pattern.

Garden Lattice.  I’m planning on using the green fabric in place of the yellow, the peachy orange in place of the blue and the stripe in the cornerstones and for binding.  I’ll probably use the floral for the backing as well, as I have at least 10 yards of the fabric.

When I got home I finally finished the binding on Halloween Whimsy.

This is a Riley Blake kit that I purchased from The Quilted Cow last fall. It took no time at all to make.  It’s quilted in a spiderweb pattern using Strawberry Blond Glide thread.