Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

2015 Final Countdown Task One

Shelly, over at PrairieMoonQuilts is hosting the 7th annual Final Countdown. It’s a chance to do a few things in your quilting space to get you ready for the new year. I’m not sure how long I’ve been participating, but whatever the challenge, it’s usually something which needs to be done in my space.

Task One:

Take a good hard look at your fabric stash

To be honest, my stash is what it is. I can’t remember the last time I bought fabric just because. For the past couple of years, any fabric I’ve purchased has been for a specific use — not that it always gets used as expected. Case in point – just a week ago I purchased fabric to use for the cuff of a couple of pillowcases. When it came time to make the cases I opted for a different fabric from my stash.

My storage system is by color/theme in bins on the left set of shelves. The right set holds my Scrap User’s System and recycled shirts.


The music fabric is in the chest of drawers with overflow neutrals.


Oh, and then there are the “scraps” in various boxes/bins stacked on the floor on the other side of the room and the auxiliary shelves which is holding the overflow.


Not to mention under the cutting table.


Generally, for the type of quilting I do, the main storage works for me. The issue is that between the scraps I’ve accumulated and have not appropriately dealt with and my stirring in the boxes the fabric is getting piled up. Also, over the past couple of years, what once took a whole box/drawer no longer does (music, blue) and other colors are now taking more than a half a box (green/floral).

So, what is my plan? At the moment it’s only half-baked.


For Christmas my husband made me this ironing station with lots of storage.  Those drawers are 7-1/2 inches tall, 18″ wide and 40″ long.  These drawers will play a part of the organization, I’m just not sure how yet.  Possibly possibly part of the Stash User’s System.

But I think the #1 thing I need to do is refold and sort the fabric in my ‘theme’ boxes. Right now, to find anything, I have to pull everything out. Although there are other boxes which are overflowing, I think I’m going to start with the floral box. It has morphed into two boxes and I think it will all fix in a single box.


Clearly working through the stash is going to take a while. It will be interesting to see what I get done by January 4th.



3 Thoughts on “2015 Final Countdown Task One

  1. I love your tall shelving unit with all the neat bins! But then you get into what mine is really like. The little stashes and piles in other places that I can’t keep under control. I also think, like you, that by refolding a lot of it, it will take up less space and I can put more of it away where it belongs. Good luck to us all!

  2. My stash isn’t all in one place. I wish I had the energy to re-locate and re-organize before the end of the year. Good for you to take on the TASK!

  3. oh my goodness. You all have such bigger stashes!!

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