Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

Category Archives: Challenges

More Goals for 2025

Last week I outlined my Brandon Quilters UFO List. As mentioned I have a few more goals for the year. The first category is Quilts Not Yet Started.  Since some of these are WHIMMs (works hidden in my mind) I don’t have a lot of pictures.

Quilts Not Yet Started

  • 2025 Brandon Mystery Quilt – 2 or 3 versions since I’m writing the pattern and doing the testing.
  • Crescendo – It’s a bargello quilt using So Boho Blooms (far right in the photo above)
  • Another pair of Quilted Sneakers – this pair pieced
  • Quilted Baseball Cap
  • Living on Cornbread  – I’ve started this quilt (middle in photo above)
  • A Vintage Christmas Sampler by Kansas Trouble Quilts  – the kit will arrive in May or June.
  • Autumn on the Trace this will be a jelly roll race style quilt in fall colors. I was inspired by my drive to sneaker class in October
  • Ladder to the Stars – made with 4 1/2″ blocks


  • Laura’s Little Notebook Covers – 12 are needed in February and 14 in December
  • 20 Zipper Bags
  • A dress for me!
  • A Heart ornament for the Quilters By Heart Desire Ornament Exchange

Pick at least One from Each Category

  • Quilt Kit
  • Small Project (lanyard, bag, pouch, etc.)
  • Panel Project


  • Something I find from my travels

Tomorrow I’ll post this week’s goals and how I did on last week’s goals.

The Rest of the 2024 Finishes

The finishes continued in August, starting with the 2023 Quilters by Hearts Desire President’s Challenge.

  • Started 2023  Finished 2024
  • 18″ x 24″
  • Glide 40wt in Strawberry Blond
  • Overlapping Crop Circles
  • Legacy 80/20 batting
  • Mine, hanging in my Quilt Studio

I made another Double 4-Patch table runner as a shop display.  This one from Wild Wander and Grunge.

  • Started 8/24/24 – Finished 8/26/24
  • 12-1/2″ x 48″
  • Thread – unknown
  • Straight line on the domestic machine
  • Legacy 80/20 batting
  • Mine, currently hanging in the shop

I bought the leaf blocks and background fabric at the Guild auction.  The blocks are set inspired by Bonnie Hunter’s Dancing Nine-Patch. I call this quilt Falling Leaves.

  • Finished 9/4/2024
  • 55″ x 69″
  • Glide 40wt in Strawberry Blond
  • Edge to Edge – Ground Cover
  • Legacy 80/20 batting
  • Mine

This Field and Furrows layout of the Brandon Quilters 2024 Block of the Month was the first of 6 layouts that I finished for a presentation on block layouts.

  • Started 12/9/2023 Finished 9/5/2024
  • 74″ x 74″
  • Glide 40wt in Magic Mint
  • a variety of computerized motifs, ruler work and free-motion
  • Legacy 80/20 batting
  • Mine

The 2nd BOM I finished is So Sweet.  When I took it off the machine I kept saying this is “So sweet”. It was inspired by Scott A. Flanagan’s “Sail Away Sampler”  in Annie’s Quilting Mix & Match Sampler Settings.

  • Started 12/9/2023 Finished 9/7/2024
  • 72″ x 93″
  • Glide 40wt in Cotton Candy
  • Edge to Edge – Fresco Feathers
  • Legacy 80/20 batting
  • Mine

This is “A Modern Twist”. I spotted as similar layout on the blog PolkaDotChair. I found a great E2E design from Urban Elementz.

  • Started 12/9/2023 Finished 9/8/2024
  • 74″ x 74″
  • Glide 40wt in either Linen or Cream
  • Edge to Edge – Square Cut
  • Legacy 80/20 batting
  • Mine

I had a a dead-line of September 9th for the Block of the Month quilts. 2 more are quilted, but did not get bound and I had a 3rd which still needs to be assembled. So, it was a relief to work on something new a the quilt retreat.

The pattern for these little bags are the  Helpful Heifer Tinker Bags from The Quilted Cow.  My kit made 4, but after making 2 of them, I decided I’d rather use the fabric for a Laura’s Little Notebook cover.  These were made September 21, 2024.

This is Laura’s Little Notebook Cover, another Helpful Heifer pattern. They work up quickly you can easily get 4 from 2 fat quarters and if you are careful you can get 5.  I also made this September 21, 2024.

The morning of October 14th one of the quilt shops in Kansas City posted a picture of the Quilted Sneakers. By noon, I had located a class “near me” – 350 miles away — and was signed up. I took the class on October 26th where I finished the first shoe.  I finished the 2nd shoe after I got home the next day – October 27, 2024.  Naturally I showed them at the Mississippi Quilters Association’s Fall Gathering and both guild meetings where there was a lot of interest in them.

So I made a second pair and will be teaching two classes at Ritzy Quilting Company on March 28th a& 29th. I started this pair on December 15th and finished them on December 26th.

That’s 18 finishes for the year 2024.

Also during 2024 I did 2 presentations to the quilt guild – one on Orphan Blocks and another on Block Sets (thus the multiple BOM quilts). I finished making all the HST for Riviana, but misplaces 60 of them! I started another BOM, but got hung up on how to set it so that’s on this years UFO list. And I finally figured out how to set the snowmen blocks. I didn’t quite get the top finished, but it was close. It was my first finish of 2025.




Setting Quilting Goals – 2025 UFO List

2025 Brandon Quilters UFOs

Last year I turned in a small UFO list — I think there were 4 items on it since I knew I was planning on 5 different versions of the Brandon Quilters Block of the Month.  With the remodeling taking place and my trip to Scotland for the most part quilting did not happen until the 2nd half of the year and it was all what HAD to be done instead of what struck my fancy.  Do not get me wrong, I wanted to make those 5 quilts. It was my decision, it’s just that I was frustrated that there was no time to do any thing else.

This year I want to avoid cramming all the quilting the last 6 months of the year. There is remodeling this year – my kitchen! A trip this summer – The Kansas City Quilt Festival, speaking at Candlelight Quilters in Raytown, Missouri, the Iowa State Quilt Museum and the Minnesota State Quilt Show.  Plus I’m still President of the Brandon Quilters and Secretary of Quilters By Hearts Desire and a member of the Mississippi Quilt Association, Gulf States Quilt Association. I’m ballroom dancing 3 – 4 times a month, play Bunco once a month and still working full time.

My goal this year is to finish projects which were started in the past, start & finish some new quilts/quilted items I’ve identified, make a few non-quilted items, pick a few projects from my kits, small projects and panels and still allow for the unknown — maybe something from my travels. For now, here is my 2025 Brandon Quilters UFO list.  I’ve already finished one item!

  1. 2020 Candlelight Snowman Swap – Finished 1/12/25
  2. BQ 2024 BOM Framed – needs binding
  3. BQ 2024 BOM Blue Waters – needs binding
  4. Compass Lone Star – still piecing
  5. Kandy Korn Kitty – finish applique
  6. Yellow & Green Illusions – needs binding
  7. Retreat Jelly Roll – needs binding
  8. Auction Top – quilt
  9. BQ 2024 BOM Grunge – needs assembling
  10. Music Jelly Roll – top needs finishing
  11. 2022 QBHD Color Theory – still piecing
  12. Rivanna – assemble blocks


Athena is Finished

It’s been a busy few days.  Saturday I made an appointment to go to Ritzy Quilting Company with Ruby, my SIL.  The shop is owned by a friend and we were looking at her website when Ruby spotted some fabric that she thought would work well with s floral she got from an estate a few weeks ago. I needed a green to go with my lily fabric for a 2nd quilt from the fabric, and while I was there I picked up some additional fabrics to go with it for a 3rd quilt.

I used the 2nd green from the left in my Chain Link quilt and will bind it with this fabric as well. I have plans for 2 more of these quilts.  They go together quickly, but I found it hard to ‘square the quilt’ when it was quilted.

While this quilt was being quilted, I made binding.

One of these days I’m going to learn that I plan to get more done that I have time for.  I’m going to try to get the Auction String IV bound today, but the Orange Lily quilts will have to wait until later.  After I get back from the Quilt Guild meeting tonight, I have to go into cleaning mode as I’m hosting Bunco next Monday.  After Bunco, I have the President’s Challenge to get done by the following week for my other guild.  At that point, I have a sweater sleeve to knit so I can get my sister’s sweater finished.  Hopefully that won’t take more than a week or 2 so I can get back to quilting.  I have 2 more UFOs to finish by December 4th, and I’d like to get one more quilt made from the Lily Fabric. I think I still have 6 1/2 yards left.

So back to Athena.

It is quilted using Glide in Buttercup. The quilting motif is “Sports”. I enlarged the E2E design to 20″ tall. There is less than 2 bobbins of thread in this 57 x 71 quilt.  I started the quilt on 1/26/22 and finished it 10/1/23. The quilt pattern is Athena from GE Designs Stripology 2, but I switched up the colors a bit. Instead of a 2 color quilt, I made mine 3. I had purple strips and squares, neutral strips and yellow squares.

Keeping the Momentum Going

Since I’ve gotten back from the retreat, I’ve kept the momentum going.  There are 4 more quilts on my 2023 Brandon Quilters UFO list and 2 of them are one step closer. My goal is to show them Monday night at the meeting.  First up is Auction Strings IV.  For this one I used Strawberry Blond thread and Overlapping Crop Circles.  The backing is a wide back I picked up in April. The binding is cut (turquois with a cheddar flange) and needs to be made.

LSU Athena is next on the list. For this quilt i used Buttercup thread and a sports motif quilting design. Originally I planned to use the LSU fabric as the outer border, but I like the tiger stripe better, so the LSU fabric ended up on the back.  I have enough fabric to make a pillowcase to go with this quilt.  The binding will be in the tiger stripe with a purple flange, just to make it easer to stitch down.

The most recent top is the Orange Lily Garden Lattice.

It is ready to load on the longarm as soon as I get the backing pieced.  Since I have so much of the lily fabric, the backing will be the same as the main fabric.  After cutting the backing, I counted folds.  I think I still have 7 1/2 – 8 yards of fabric left.  I have another quick quilt in mind, but before I can start it, I need to get the bindings on all of these quilts.

And because I sat down to write this post on the 27th, a picture of my babies.  Butterscotch (R) and Gracie (L). Today was their ‘gotcha day’ anniversary.  I can’t believe it’s been 9 years.

I Finished a UFO

Oh so many years ago — 16 years, 9 months and 2 days to be exact – December 15, 2006, I walked into a quilt shop and saw a “quilted” jacket made from a sweatshirt. The class was full, but I thought I could make it on my own – and in time to give it to my mom for Christmas.  As with many last minute projects, Christmas came and went without it being finished, so it got set aside.

I pulled it out in 2020 to finish as my quilt guild wanted me to do a presentation on quilted sweatshirt jackets.  I even purchased a couple of additional sweatshirts to make a few more jackets. But the meetings were cancelled then I moved, so no more work was done on the jacket.  I was asked to do a presentation at one of my current guilds, so I put this on my UFO list and actually worked on it a little earlier in the year.  But it wasn’t until this past weekend that I buckled down and finished it.

The neckband and one cuff is missing, so I found some 2″ wide elastic and added a casing to the cuff and waistband.  This has the added benefit of adding an additional inch to the length, which is helpful since I’m now giving this to my sister.


A Few Finishes

I’ve finally gotten to some of the binding. It’s not all done, but I’ve finished a few.  First up is Cairdeas. This wall hanging was done in commemoration of my trip to Ireland in June with Bonnie Hunter. She designed this quilt, and the pattern is available in her on-line store.  I started the embroidery in Ireland June 14th and finished the binding August 4th. It measures 24 1/2 x 25 1/4 after washing.

Up next is the Christmas Star Swap quilt.  In April 2019, I attended a quilt retreat and some of us swapped blocks.  This quilt was on my 2023 Brandon Quilters UFO list.  This quilt finishes at 74″ x 93 before washing.  The quilting is a combination of ruler work — 1 1/4″ and 3/4″ circles using the Handi Quilter Swiss Cheese ruler, free-motion continuous curves in the chain, and computerized motifes-Feathered Square 3 which I divided in half for the white areas and used who in the pieced blocks, and Christmas 2010 Border and Boder Corner by Sweet Dreams Quilt Studio. It took about 6 bobbins of Glide 40wt in Pistachio.

Kimberly is my most recent finish.  I started this quilt at the MQA Summer Gathering and finished it August 21st.  The quilting motif is Liberty. I used 3 bobbins in Glide 40wt in Mercury. It measures 65 x 82 1/2.

Fairy Frost Sunset

I have a new finish. This is Fairy Frost Sunset. Fairy Frost because all the colored fabric is Michael Millers Fairy Frost and Sunset as that’s the name of the pattern.  I bought this fabric years ago – January 2009 to be specific, but then didn’t work on the quilt until September 2010.  Well, I finally got it quilted and bound. It’s on my Brandon Quilters 2023 UFO list.

The quilt is roughly 56 x 79.  I used Glide 40wt in Mercury.  I used Kraker Quilting & Design’s Swirls & Feather Border Corner and Border on the outer border.  I simply stitched 1/4″ from the seams on the inner border. For the center I enlarged the Swirls & Feather #3 Block to fit the blocks.


I bought the fabric for the top at Heritage Fine Fabrics in Belton, MO back in January 2009. The quilt top was made in September 2010. I found the backing at Hobby Lobby. I loaded it on the long arm last month, finishing the binding on 4/29/23.


There was extra border and backing fabric, so I made a matching pillowcase.



I finally got my Fairy Frost Sunset quilted. It’s been hanging around since September 2010. It’s been bound, but needs to be washed. Hopefully next week I’ll get that post written.

The Christmas Star Swap from April 2019 is now a top.  I’ve pieced the backing from some vintage Christmas stash and cleaned out a project box.  I hope to get this loaded on the frame in the morning.

Both of these quilts are on my Brandon Quilters UFO list.

Twisting Star Magnolia


I’ve finished the Twisting Star Magnolia. Years ago, I made another one of these for my mother. The fabric was found on the road trip to Iowa – 3 days and 3 nights, 13 shops. We left Friday after everyone got off from work and spent the night at a hotel on the interstate closest to our first shop.  Shopped all day Saturday. Managed to hit a few shops which were open on Sunday. Stayed another night and hit a few more stores before heading back to Kansas City.  Anyway, I think it was the shop in Ames, Iowa which had this on display and I had to make it for my mother as she was decorating her new home with magnolias. This was my mom’s. I now have it.



A few years later my friends and I shop hopped our way to St. Louis so I could meet my first great-nephew and I spotted the magnolia fabric in one of the stores.  I bought enough to make 4 more toppers, 1 for each of my husband’s sisters, my aunt, and myself. I did not have the dragonfly fabric, and got 3 of the 4 made.


Somewhere along the way I found more the dragonfly fabric in the original wall hanging, but after my mom passed, it came back to me, to the fabric for my quilt has been sitting in my stash as a PIG. I started to send the whole mess to my sister, but decided I’d just make another one to give her. Now that it is done, I’ve put the rest of the fabric back in the stash. It’s off my PIGs list and on my DONE list. Now I just have to remember to take it with me when I travel to Kansas City in a few weeks.

Oh, it’s the first of the month, so I need to do my stash report.