Here it is. My young quilting friend’s Spongebob quilt for her little cousin. I think the cousin is 2. She was so excited when she saw Spongebob. At 43″ square, the quilt is almost twice as long as she is tall so she’ll have it for a while.
During DWTS I sandwiched the Checkerboard Plaid quilt. I turned off Castle (which I enjoy) and put the quilt under the needle to get started. I must be crazy. I’ve decided to stitch on either side of all the seams. That’s 10 seams a block and the quilt has 30 blocks — so that’s 50 lines vertically and 60 across the width. When I took this picture had stitched 6 1/2 horizontal lines.
I wonder which will happen first — I finish the quilting or the new book I started listening to will finish. I’m listening to A Proper Pursuit by Lynn Austin. One CD = 16 horizontal lines of stitching, 1 + bobbins and cleaning the bobbin area out once.
The muslin and shirts are generating a lot of fuzz. (I’m using Superior’s Omni Thread in Light Tan on the top and in the bobbin – Warm and Natural batting).
Great job Young Quilting Friend. The SpongeBob quilt looks great. A child will carry this around with them for a long time.
Yea for your turn. Enjoy your machine quilting time!