As we start the new year, I’m starting a new quilt- Twas the Night Before Christmas by Kaaren Johnston of The Painted Quilt. I do hope you’ll join me in this year long venture.
Although this is a small wall hanging (27 x 33) I’ve decided to stretch out the process. If you are playing along, you are welcome to work at your own pace. I’ll be doing one block a month with the final top assembly in November.
For January, I’ve picked the Gingerbread Men. The finished block measures 5 1/2″ tall by 4 1/2″ wide. It should work up quickly.
Here’s how I prepped my block for quilting:
Step 1 – find the center of the image. I drew a line vertically through the center of the image and then horizontally, about 1/4″ higher than the center. I did this because the image is about 3 1/4″ square, but the finished piece is not.
Per the instructions, I cut my fabric 2″ bigger than the finished size. To determine where to trace the image, I folded the fabric into quarters and finger pressed it.
Now it’s time to trace the design onto the fabric. Once way is to tape the design onto a window and then tape the fabric over the paper.
Back when I had a tube style computer monitor, I would open up a word processing document so I had a white screen then tape the design and fabric to the monitor. I now have a light box I purchased from Hobby Lobby, so I used it.
Trace your design onto the fabric using your preferred marking tool. I have a ceramic pencil that I use.
An optional step is to back your fabric with a lightweight fabric to help prevent your threads on the back from showing through to the front. I have a bolt of light weight muslin that I use for this purpose. I cut a piece the same size as the fabric I traced the design on.
Then I basted them together. Since this is a small piece (7 1/2 x 6 1/2″) I just did a simple running stitch around the edges. For larger pieces I may use my machine and stitch through the center of the fabric.
The last step before you can proceed with stitching is to pick your floss colors. I’ve decided to use two strands of DMC floss in various colors — primarily because that’s what I have handy. Kaaren used Aurifil 12 weight Bright Redwork # 2260 thread.
The block is prepped and ready to stitch.
After I started stitching, I decided that instead of using the black thread for the gingerbread faces and buttons, I would use the brown that I used to outline the cookie. It’s all back stitch except for the knots for eyes and buttons.
I do hope you decide to join me in this venture.
Adorable! This will make a great quilt!!
That is really cute. I kind of like your way of doing things.