It’s time to tape my “master” pattern back together — however I seem to be missing a page….
Fortunately I still have the traced double bass and it appears to match up with the main piece of Eeyore’s head — which tells me I had the page in March and it could still be kicking around. If not, I think I can make this work between the print out and the tracings.
Well, shoot. I thought I just had Eeyore’s eyes & mane and the end pin to cut out before I could start the assembling, but now I have to make a decision regarding his mouth.
I bought fabric for both “Baby Eeyore” the blue/purple on the left which has a pink mouth and the “older” Eeyore which is two shades of gray. Looking at the color printout which is of “Baby Eeyore” I cut the mouth from the pink. Maybe I’ll make a gray mouth and see which I like best.