Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

Bonnie – Again!


Yes, I’ve seen Bonnie Hunter twice in 11 days. The first time was when my sister and I attended the Mississippi Quilt Association June Gathering June 1st. I also took her Carolina Chain class. Today I saw her at the Lee’s Summit Quilt Guild meeting.  I think they said there were 150+ members in attendance and another 92+ guests!  I was running late so I don’t think I would have had a seat if my sister had not saved me a seat.  We didn’t drive over together because she took another class. I had to get back to work. 🙁

Since I’ve been home, I’ve been steadily working on my Carolina Chain blocks.  Last night I finished up all of my light chain blocks. I have some of them laid out here with the dark chain blocks that I’m still working on.  I’ve got another 30 or so ready to press and the rest are waiting to be sewn.

And to think I thought I’d have the quilt top done by this morning…

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