Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

Category Archives: Addicted To Scraps

A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That

It’s a new month and already I’ve touched 5 different projects.

First up is Shimmer.  3 more blocks.  That makes 16 made correctly.  Given that my design wall is not big enough for all of them, I pulled down the ones I made last month to make room for the rest of the blocks.

In the middle is this month’s BOM from the Guild.  Now that it’s made, I’m second guessing my choice of this particular orange fabric.  I’ll worry about it after I get the rest of the blocks made.

The next 3 blocks are from the Addicted to Scraps column in Quiltmaker.  The pink one is Dakota Farmer from the November/December 2013 issue.  The pink and white HST were pulled from my orphan block box. They were bonus HST from my Carolina Christmas.  The pink squares came from my box of 2″ squares.  The blue and burgundy block next to it is Four Patch Pinwheel from the January/February 2019 issue. Finally the green/neutral block is Betty’s Choice from March/April 2013.  This brings my total to Addicted to Scrap blocks 15.

The last two blocks on the wall are the last two Easy Breezy leader/ender blocks.  I’ve now made 140.  Since I’m not certain how I plan to set these blocks I’ve pulled out my postage stamp quilt.  I added 10 -15 2 patches to the bag.

  • 350 Challenge April = 9
  • 350 Challenge Cumulative = 191
  • Easy Breezy = 140


Finished (or Not) Friday – 4/2/2021

The April Fools joke was on me.  I went back to the gym for the first time in a year and it wiped me out.  As a result absolutely nothing got done. Of course the trip to Walmart and the grocery store probably didn’t help either.

What you see here is Shimmer, a few of my  Easy Breezy leader/ender blocks, my latest Addicted to Scraps block and the corner of Atomic Starburst.  Perhaps over the weekend I can get Shimmer on down the line and will have figured out how to quilt Atomic Starburst.

Meanwhile, check out the other quilts on AlyciaQuilts Finished (or Not) Friday.

Addicted to Scraps – Part 2

Yesterday the May/June issue of Quiltermaker was delivered.  That means it’s time for another round of Addicted to Scraps blocks.  This month’s block is Butterfly Bush — it’s the top left block.  Since it is so small, I made 4 of them and sewed them into a single block.  The large block in the middle is Antique Tile from the September/October 2011 issue. Outside In from July/August 2014 is the pink and brown block.  The last block is Box Kite from the May/June 2014 issue.

I have all of the blocks gathered on one page HERE.

While I was making the blocks I finished 3 Easy Breezy Blocks.

  • 350 Challenge March = 68
  • 350 Challenge Cumulative = 182
  • Easy Breezy = 138


A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That

I spent the better part of Saturday in my sewing room.  First up were 3 more of the Addicted to Scrap Blocks.   That’s Hot Cross Buns from Nov/Dec ’10, Scrap Basket from Mar/Apr ’11, and 4 Patch X from Sep/Oct ’10. I pulled out my bonus HSTs for the last two blocks.  My entire cutting board was covered in bits and pieces of leftover blocks and parts.  I was not working on ripping out the quilting on the Wonky Dishes quilt. Given I have a deadline, even if it is self-imposed, I shoved everything back in to the box and put away my Addicted to Scrap Blocks.  My current plan is when I receive each issue of Quiltmaker over the next 2 years, I’ll make the current block plus 6 of the ‘backlog’ blocks.

Eventually, I did get the quilting ripped out.  I finished up the feathered squares and found a feathered circle to put in the smaller blocks. In fact, I finished all of the quilting in the neutral squares.  Now I have to go back and quilt the broken dish units.

While the computer was running the machine, I made one of the sampler blocks for my SILs sampler quilt. I started another block but ran into issues with my instructions. Since this was about 10:30 and the quilting was done I decided to call it a night.

I have just 9 days left on my Personal Challenge and I oscillate between I’m not going to get my main list done and I might just make it happen.  Here’s the latest status:

  • Alphabet BOM – Complete the top, I have a plan.
  • MQA BOM – Assuming the rest of the tops is released I’d like to get at a minimum the rest of the blocks made. – Done 2/7
  • Red, White & Blue Wonky Broken Dishes – Quilt and Bind.  This is what I want to show at the meeting. – in progress
  • Moda U – finish the binding. – Done 1/25
  • Ruby’s BOM – I’d like to get at least the next 4 blocks made and instructions written. – in progress
  • Runaround Bag – Everyone needs a new start on occasion. This is mine. – Done 1/16
  • Wedding Quilt – Finish the top. – Done 2/6

I’ll go on the record and say none of the stretch goals are going to happen.

  • 350 Challenge February = 40
  • 350 Challenge Cumulative = 96
  • Easy Breezy = 111

A New Project?!?

Back in December I gave myself a 2 year subscription to Quiltermaker magazine.  That is the magazine with Bonnie Hunter’s Addicted to Scraps column. At the time I pondered putting together a quilt using the patterns from the column, but that was as far as I got.  Then Thursday I received the March/April issue and Friday I received the January/February issue.  This prompted me to start the project.

Pictured below the Easy Breezy blocks (#110 & 111) are In & Out from the J/F ’21 issue, Around the Corner from M/A ’21, Spinner from M/A ’10, 4 Patch X from S/O ’10, and Carolina Chain from M/J ’10.  I pulled Carolina Chain from my orphan block box. It was leftover from my Carolina Chain quilt which I started in May/June 2018.

I’ve setup a page to track my progress under Quilts In Progress. For all I know this may go the way of other long-term projects.  I’ll get there eventually.

As for the Wonky Dishes quilt, I’m still ripping. I got about 1/3 of it ripped out.  I’ll work on it some more in the morning.


  • 350 Challenge February = 36
  • 350 Challenge Cumulative = 92
  • Easy Breezy = 111