Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

March UFO Challenge is Met

Admittedly this pink and blue quilt is listed as #7 on my UFO Challenge list, but I did say there may be occasions where if a quilt needed to get bumped up, I’d swap #s.  So, I’m swapping #7 for #1.  It just didn’t seem right to use my bunny quilt to meet this month’s challenge since it wasn’t list on the UFO Challenge tab — although it was on either the “tops to be quilted” or “quilts in progress” tab at the beginning of the year.  Anyway, this quilt got bumped to the front of the line so I could practice quilting dragonflies.

For the backing, I used a piece of vintage fabric I got from my friend S when she was cleaning out her stash a year ago.  Come to think of it, the blue & white hearts came from her stash as well.

The quilt is approximately 39″ square.  I  used Warm & Natural batting, King Tut # 993 (white) in the top and Bottomline  in the bobbin.  The binding is stitched down by machine — I can’t think of any binding I’ve done by hand.

Now on to the next quilt – Dragonflies.

This is the first of the seven quilts I need done by the end of June. Here’s a closeup of the quilting.  My dragonflies were various sized and going every which way.

I opted for King Tut # 978 – Rosetta Stone in the top.  I wasn’t gutsy enough to use the bright thread.

White thread in the bobbin.  So essentially you can’t see my quilting — which at this point is a good thing.

After washing the quilt measures 57 x 68.  I used Warm & Natural batting in this one as well.

7 Thoughts on “March UFO Challenge is Met

  1. Your vintage fabric is so cute. I would have rescued it too. I swapped out quilts this month too. My son’s graduation quilt was on the list and I needed to get it finished.

  2. Good for you!!!

  3. Swap outs work for me – especially when you need to. Wonderful quilt. Judy C

  4. Congratulations! What a great finish, and it looks beautiful. I swap out sometimes too. Well, I did this month anyway! Sadly I’m only 2 for 3 (March let me down). Looking forward to seeing what you finish in April!

  5. It’s your list so you get to make the decisions, LOL! I might swap sometime too. Congrats on a finish nevertheless, and such a pretty one.

  6. Nice job on both quilts! I think your quilting looks great!

  7. Congrats on 2 finishes!

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