The number for April was 4. On my list to get to the top stage was my Red, White and Blue quilt shop sampler.

On my to be quilted list was this Thangles quilt.

But given I was going to a retreat, I think I said I was going to work on Mom’s 4-patch Stacked Posies, which was March’s pick. 
None of these quilts made it to the top stage or got quilted. But have no fear, I did complete two UFOs in April.
The first was my Dresden Plate which I’m calling Metamorphosis since the fabric came from my old skirt. This was #10 the pick for February. It took all of February, March and a couple of days into April to get it completed.

As of 4/3/11
The second quilt I finished was my Miniature Ohio Star. I finished this up in time for the quilt show. It’s not on either of my Challenge lists, but it was on my Quilts in Progress tab at the beginning of the year.

This month Judy picked #9. That’s my Green and Cream quilt that I’m working in a Quilt-As-You-Go method.
I’ll say it right now. This quilt won’t be finished by the end of the month.
That’s not to say I won’t be working on my UFOs.
On the piecing front I have the crossword puzzle quilt. I started this last fall, but couldn’t begin putting it together until my sister’s latest grandbaby was born. I’ll also be working on the binding of “Summertime” – a Venetian Glass Turning Twenty Again. Between now and the end of the month I have 4 days reserved on the longarm. All of the quilts I’m planing on working on were on my To Be Quilted tab at the beginning of the year.
The good news is Judy’s challenge has gotten me focused on my UFOs whether it’s from the list I put together in December or my master list. Since the beginning of the year I’ve competed 6 7 quilts — all UFOs and I’ve only started 3 – 2 of which are tops just waiting to be quilted. Not bad if do say so myself.
Check out the link over at Patchwork Times to see how others are doing on their UFOs.