I have plenty on my quilting plate, but I’m planning on starting two new quilts next month. There are plans in the works to get a top quilted before I start either of them, so perhaps that will help even things out.
The first quilt is a stained glass type quilt. I’ve seen the top and have the fabric requirements and first set of cutting instructions, so it’s not exactly a mystery, but how it goes together is.
Although my stash has many FQs which would work well, they are no longer full FQs — I’ve chopped on all of them. So the only thing to do was get new fabric.
I have one extra FQ — not sure which one I’m not going to use and then I ordered a strip set to bump me up to free shipping. Sometime between now and July 11th, I’ll cut this to prepare for class.
The other quilt I’m starting is the Tetris-Quit-A-Long. I can never do anything exactly by the pattern and this is no different. Instead of using 5″ squares, I’ve decided to use 1 1/4″ squares. My quilt will finish at 9 x 13 1/2 before borders. I came to this decision when thinking about my stash. I knew I wasn’t going to use 5″ squares and was leaning toward either 2 or 2 1/2″ squares. A 2 1/2″ square contains 4 – 1 1/4″ squares and each Tetris piece contains 4 squares, so there you have it. A eureka moment. No searching for 4 matching squares, a single square will do it.
Then I looked at my pre-cut squares and had to augment them with 2 1/2″ bricks and 2 1/2″ strips — there was no orange in my pre-cut box– probably because it’s in my Orca Bay bag along with a lot of my purple. I expect that bag may get raided during the construction of this quilt.
For now all the pieces are in a recycled container. That ought to keep them together until I need them.
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