Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

Quilting, Counted Cross Stitch, and Needlepoint

First the quilting.  I’m making progress on the continuous curves. I think I’ve finally figured out the easiest way to get through the block.  Three “rows” were done today.  Assuming I can keep this pace up, I should be binding the quilt this weekend.

In the bags of Mom’s stuff I got the other day I found this magnolia counted cross stitch piece.  I want to display it, so I’ll need to figure out if I want to hang it or make it into a throw pillow.

Keeping with the magnolia theme is this needlepoint piece my mom was filling in the background on.

Her dream was to recover the dining room chairs, but she had the foresight to only buy the one canvas and wool.  Clearly she didn’t finish it.  I’m putting it on my list to finish ‘someday’ with the intent of using it on my one armchair in the dinning room.  I need to stop in at the local needlepoint shop to get some pointers – the canvas is distorted.


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