File this under “Stuff”.
I have two Black Walnut trees in my front yard. Some years there are an abundance of walnuts and others not so much. I’ve figured out why this year is not a good year.
All day long when I look out my window I see the squirrels running across the yard gathering the nuts. Yesterday afternoon I took my cell phones (I was waiting on a call), Kindle and camera and sat out on the front porch. The pictures will enlarge if you click on them.
By this time my I was on the phone. We have rabbits in the back yard, so at first I thought it was a baby bunny — but it’s the wrong season. Sure enough this guy went up the tree. As far as I know rabbits don’t climb trees, to it must be a tail-less squirrel.
At this point I went back inside. This morning I opened the door to get the mail and found this.