Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

Stash Report

This week I pieced and quilted a baby quilt to practise the quilting for Deadline III.  That’s 4 1/2 yards used. Yea!

Saturday my friends and I gathered together – the first time in several months all of us were in one place – to give T her finished birthday quilt. There are pictures, but I don’t have them. It was a big hit. We also had a little white elephant exchange and I brought home some quilty goodness.



Fabric added this week: 2.25 yards
Fabric added to date: 4.729 yards

Fabric used this week: 4.5 yards
Fabric used to date: 27.747 yards

Net used to date: 23.018 yards

To see how others are doing with their stash, checked out the links over at Patchwork Times.

One Thought on “Stash Report

  1. Dee Dee on February 9, 2014 at 9:34 am said:

    Nothing better than spending time with quilty friends!

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