The Frog Quilt is DONE!
I started it 1/11/12 and finished it 12/31/13. The hold up? Deciding on the face. The eyes had been decided on for months. (I have a picture from March 2013 with paper eyes pinned in place and who knows how much earlier I had the eyes in place).
Finally, I decided done was better than perfect and who knows – Frog may no longer need a quilt now that his owner is two years older.
All the fabric came from stash – with the exception of the peppermint fabric. It was purchased specifically for this quilt, picked out by my nephew. The back is a bit wild. I reached into my Novelty box and grabbed the first piece big enough.
The quilt measures 19 1/2″ x 23 1/2″. I used Hobbs Unbleached 80/20 for the batting and quilted it in a soft yellow thread.
Now, to get it delivered….