Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

UFO Inspiration


These floral blocks which I found yesterday (and added to my UFO count!) got me inspired to figure out how to get this into a quilt top.  I have a whole box of florals that I tend to ignore.  So, this evening I pulled floral prints,  pink and lavender tone on tones and some white on white fabric.


With a few minutes (ok, perhaps an hour – had to pet the fabric) I now have 5 blocks kitted and ready to stitch.   Will this become a quilt top before April 15th?  Only time will tell.

Now back to my book on CD and quilting Checkerboard Plaids.  A few more 8 more passes then I’m half way done.


One Thought on “UFO Inspiration

  1. LOL on the petting of fabric! Cute blocks.

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