Today’s design wall appears to be a throw back to August 2020.

I know you are thinking — didn’t she finish this quilt top last summer? The answer is Yes, but no.

When it came time to trim it up, (back when I could see my hearth) it wasn’t right, but I couldn’t put my finger on what the problem was. Look close – see the blue and yellow star?

It’s not lining up. I couldn’t see it last summer, but yesterday when the top was uncovered by my cleaning, I spotted the problem right away. Apparently this top needed to be in timeout for a while.

Gracie helped me rip out the seam.

Once it was in two pieces it was easy to see where the mistake was made. I think this was the last seam. I haven’t decided if I’ll trim it before or after I quilt it. I’m leaning to after. So, I’ll spend a day or two trying to figure out how I want to quilt it. I have to keep in mind, that — oh, this is March — I was thinking in the next 2 weeks I needed to load my nephews graduation quilt on the machine to quilt — but there’s 8, not 4 more weeks to graduation. So, I will be able to keep this on the frame for a couple of weeks and still get his quilt done.

As for my piecing project, I’ve pulled Shimmer out. It went into time out because I made 2 different cutting errors on the same block. Since the above picture was taken, I’ve finished cutting the white for the rest of the blocks, and completed a block.
This is not a quick sew. I watched 2 episodes of Deep Space Nine without commercials in the time it took to complete this block. I have 21 left to make. Hopefully it will get faster.
I’m linking up with Small Quilts for Design Wall Monday.
- 350 Challenge March = 53
- 350 Challenge Cumulative = 167
- Easy Breezy = 132