It’s been 2 days since I’ve worked on the wedding quilt, so today’s post is “or Not”. I estimate I have 4 1/2 hours of quilting left.
Wednesday evening I spent playing “Quilt Tetris” with my guild’s quilts entries for the Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival. The deadline for entry is March 31st, and I needed to make sure I had gathered enough quilts to fill our assigned walls. Last go round I shoveled photos around physically and it took me several days to figure out the layout. This time I was able to build the layout in power point in a few hours.
Thursday I played ‘fix the sump pump’. We’ve had multiple days of rain around here. When I fixed breakfast, I realized the sump pump was running continuously. “We’ve had a lot of rain, and ground water is high”. When I fixed lunch it was still running, so I decided I really needed to check on it. The good news is the basement was dry. The bad news is the water was high in the bucket. Looked like a fountain.
I called my brother, he had me unplug it and I noticed the electrical cord was warm. Since he was on his way to the hardware store, he said he’d pick up a new pump and come fix it. When he dug into it,he discovered the clamps had rotted off, so it was simply a case of reattaching the pipe. What could have been a $200 repair cost me $8. But then we talked landscaping — specifically the need to fix/replace the retaining wall and dealing with the water in the backyard. Between this and dealing with side effects from 2nd vaccine, I didn’t make it into the sewing room except to show my brother the quilt.
There’s been way more “Stuff” than quilting in this post, so go check out what others are up to over at Alycia Quilts for Finished or Not Friday.