Nora was one of the two cats at the Sew-In I was at over the weekend. She handled Quality Control.
Category Archives: Qcc
Quality Control Cat Strikes Again
Seven, the Quilting Quality Control Cat, also inspects hand quilting.
The fuzzy picture is from the camera phone. DH was afraid if he walked past us to get the good camera, Seven would think it was time to eat and jump down. The green light is from and LED light I have attached to the cap I’m wearing.
Quiltathon Progress Report
Yesterday after we got home from my nephew’s wedding, I made significant progress on the music quilt. So much so, that this morning I only had 8 lines of stitching to complete the quilting. I’ve done that, and the quilt has passed Quality Control. We’ve also settled for a name for the quilt – Music Lessons.
I’ve printed the label so it will have time to dry before I wash the quilt. Now, I’m off to make the binding, then I’m going to have to boot the cat off the quilt so I can square it up. Seven does look comfortable though.
Follow other quilters as they participate in Judy’s Quiltathon.
Batting and Basting Pass Quality Control
After finishing the basting last night on my DWR and loading it into the frame, I carefully folded up the excess off the back of the frame and propped it on a crate. The excess to the side I flipped onto the frame.
But this did not prevent Seven from doing her job as Quality Control Cat. She must like the Quilters Dream Cotton Request that I’m using and she appears to have no issues with the way I basted the quilt.
I think I’m going to look for a couple more sets of bicycle pants clips….
What’s on My Design Wall – 6/15
Nothing at the moment. I finished up the quilt from last week and haven’t gotten anything else out.
That’s not to say I haven’t been quiting. I’ve made the next three Kansas Spirit BOM samples for the LQS, I finished the Pink and Brown quilt and I made a birthday block for a swap I’m in.
Currently, I suppose you could say my design wall is the ironing board.
This is a UFO from the early 90’s. It was supposed to be my husband’s godson’s high school graduation present. I never finished it. One of the QCC (Quality Control Cats) threw up on it. But don’t worry, he eventually got this quilt a few years ago.
Anyway, the front of this quilt is alternating squares of stars on a blue background with a red and white stripe. It seems I pieced the front and was going to do wide sew flip borders. The center section and the top and bottom borders were already sewn down, but there is no quilting in the center. I’m going to have to do some sort of ‘tacking’ to quilt it, as I’ll quilt more puckers into it doing anything else. I’ve got one of the side borders on and just need to fix a spot on the other borer and then I’ll be ready to do whatever quilting it’s going to get.
Part of me says rip the border off and ‘do it right’. But the part of me who wants it finished says just go with it. There’s nothing special about this quilt, but I’m sure it will keep someone warm this winter.