Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

Stash Report

Before I get on with the stash report, I thought I’d mention the Kaw Valley Quilters’ Guild Quilt Show.  There’s one more day to attend and see the great quilts.  Sunday, May 1st, 10 AM – 5 PM at the Douglas Count Fairgrounds, Lawrence, Kansas.

Now, on to the stash report.

The good news, is I have worked on three backings this past week – The Chain Event, Turning Twenty Again and Mini Ohio Stars.  It helps counter the red and neutral fabrics I bought this week.

The red fabrics will go into the crossword puzzle quilt, the neutral into a neutral Strip Twist — provided I get that far in the next six weeks.  If not, they’ll end up in the stash.  I forgot — I also bought fabric for the backing for two more quilts.

Fabric Added last week: 14.875 yards
Fabric Added to Date: 61.144  yards

Fabric Used last weeks: 10.652 yards
Fabric Used to Date: 64.923 yards

Net Used for 2011: 3.779 yards

Checkout the links over at Patchwork Times to see how others are doing.

4 Thoughts on “Stash Report

  1. Liz on May 1, 2011 at 8:12 am said:

    Great new fabrics. Hope you took some pictures to show us.

  2. Love the second red from the top! You must have been at your show either real early or real late–or did you get a special preview showing. Lots of room in the walkways–nice! Is the one we can see real well one of yours? Sandi

  3. Pretty red fabrics. Still ahead on your stashbusting.

  4. Still in the black even with the fabric in. Very pretty fabric in, I really like the reds.

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