Judy over at Patchwork Times has pointed out that we are halfway through the year. Am I as far along as I’d like to be with my stash? My goal was simple. Keep track. And good or bad, I’ve done that. It has been an eye opener for me. It has also made me more conscious of my purchase. I’d like to think it has slowed my purchases down, but I couldn’t say for certain. I do know that I think about each purchase I do.
So how did my stash go this week? I cut fabric from my stash to make several cool ties (got 3 made before the outdoor concert last week)and I made another block for the Kansas Spirit quilt. Most of pile of green scraps has been cut up as well — but I’ll count those when I use them. I also worked on my red work snowmen.
The inbound fabric is 3 1/2 yards. 1 1/2 yards of the purple stripe batik, 1 yard of the plaid and 1 yard of the blue Ice print.
So here’s report:
Fabric Added this Week: 3 1/2 yards
Fabric Added to Date: 159.5 yards
Fabric Used this Week: .875 yards
Fabric Used to Date: 53.702 yards
Net Stash: +105.798 yards
I think you are doing exactly what Judy's report is for, to keep track of what you buy, when, and why!!
Not that we are in competition but I guess I should be glad that my net increase is only around 20 or so yards. I'll figure it out on Wednesday — I only look once a month. I also don't count fabric as used until the binding is done on the quilt. I've got one or two quilts ready to quilt but haven't started them yet. It's good we are thinking about our purchases or we might be buying out some store! Bonnie in the Poconos