These pictures were taken yesterday, but I didn’t have a chance to post them.
It still doesn’t look like much, but I noticed this morning that some of the lettuce has 3 leaves on it now. The spinach is also looking less like the carrots as well.
The beefsteak tomato is getting a bit heavy, so I can see why the case will be necessary.
The Cherry tomato is still there — although I’ve got to research spots/discoloration on the leaves.
The Cherokee is coming along as well.
Next up are the cucumbers. This morning I can see the start of new leaves in the center of the center plant .
Still no blackeyed peas, but I’ve got 3 good beans — actually there were 6, 2 beans planted in each spot and I removed the smaller of the 2. Then I planted more blackeyed peas in the back half of the container.
Check out this corn.
5 of the 6 plants have come up – but I think I’m going to have to take at least 2 out of the container.
All of the pictures will enlarge if you click on them. I hope to have some quilting posts later this evening.