First did I meet last week’s goals?
- Quilt 2 quilts – I only got one done.
- Bind the retreat Jelly Roll Quilt – DONE
- At least 4 of the 12 Laura’s Little Notebooks. – DONE I have 6 finished, 1 just needs a snap, 2 more need topstitching and a snap and I have another 11 cutout and interfaced.
This week the goals are:
- Quilt 2 quilts (I need to deliver them on Monday)
- Bind Framed – this is on my UFO list and I’m showing it at the MQA Spring Gathering
- Finish at least another 4 Laura’s Little Notebooks
- At least 10 sets of corners for Living on Cornbread – I need all the units done before I can really start to assemble the blocks.
- And now an odd goal — Don’t work on Compass Lonestar This quilt has been on numerous UFO lists since 2007. It started as a Quilt-As-You-Go project, but the reality is for a large project I don’t like this method — especially since I now have a longarm. Really just need to take it off the design wall so it doesn’t tempt me. I don’t need this quilt until mid-May and I’d like to get Living on Cornbread done by the end of next month.
I wonder how much I can get done? There is a new quilt group forming that meets on Saturday morning, I’m going dancing either Friday or Saturday maybe both nights, and Brandon Quilters meets next Monday night.