Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

What’s On My Design Wall


I’ve started sewing blocks into rows for the Green Disappearing 9-Patch. This is 1/4 of the blocks. Since Monday is a travel day for the Royals, there won’t be a baseball game to distract me after work and I could get this top finished. That is unless we end up going through the clutter in the basement, in which case I’ll carve out enough time to at least get this section done and the next one up on the wall.

See what others are working on by following the links over at Patchwork Times.

4 Thoughts on “What’s On My Design Wall

  1. D9P is such a great design concept — it looks great in plaids!

  2. Your D9P looks great in shirting plaids; I like how you pre-planned the light/dark placement in your original nine-patches. The green constant really sets the plaids off nicely and adds a place for the eye to rest. I like it! I’m slowly collecting DH’s worn out shirts, but it’ll be years yet before I have enough. I’ll have to remember your D9P when the time comes.

  3. The Green in the Chains is very appealing. He’s going to love it. Geat arrangment. LOVE D9P’s.

  4. Love all the plaids in this one. Hope you were able to get in some stitching on it.

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