File this under the “Stuff” part of Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid.
Dr Pepper Diet Cherry Vanilla is no longer available in the area. This was my last can. Drank it for lunch yesterday.
DH and I knew it was getting tougher to find. Last week we checked every store that had 12-packs on sale, and a few that didn’t, and came up empty. Then Thursday, DH asked the manager of our local grocery what the deal was. There was a shelf tag, but no DPDCV. The Pepsi distributor was in the store so the manager hollered at him. The distributor confirmed that Dr Pepper Diet Cherry Vanilla is no longer being made in our distribution area, which includes Lawrence and Ottawa to the west and south, but didn’t know about other distribution areas.
Plain Diet Dr Pepper just isn’t the same, so I think I’ll just drink water and tea. Probably better for me anyway.