Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

Calling It a Top

Last night I added the rest of the green borders to my Christmas Row Quilt.  My original intent was to add a wider red border, but I think I’m calling it a Top.  The quilt measures 86 1/2″ square – plenty big enough for a bed topper which will only be used for few weeks each year.

The good news is I won’t have to buy a king size batt when I get ready to quilt it.

This Christmas fabric by Cranston Print Works came from my Mom’s stash.   There’s no date on the selvage, but I seem to remember her buying it when I worked at Northwest Fabrics & Crafts — that was between Aug 1990 – Sept 1991.  I’m going to use it for the backing — when I get that far.

BTW — This was June’s UFO off my ‘Get it to a Top’ list.


3 Thoughts on “Calling It a Top

  1. Beautiful! I still have to get my Christmas Lone Star quilt on my list done… Just finished my Feb UFO from Judy’s Challenge. I’m far behind but catching up slowly!

  2. Vicki C on September 4, 2011 at 3:13 pm said:

    Pam, the Christmas Row quilt is beautiful!

  3. Very pretty Christmas quilt!

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