Today there’s a little bit of everything on my design wall/ironing board. I’ve had a bit of a problem settling down and working on just one thing.
At the top is the Crossword Puzzle quilt, which has been fixed and now needs to be quilted. I haven’t totally decided how I’m going to quilt it, but I should make the backing. It’s the plaid that sticking out around the edges. Yes, two long seams will need to be matched. The fabric was pressed this weekend.
Another easy “finish” is Candy Sunflower Seeds. This got set aside in May or June and it just needs the borders. The top and border fabric surfaced while I was cleaning this weekend and it’s been pressed. Now if I can only remember if I was planning on a narrow border before the brown outer border. At least the stars ‘float’ so I don’t have to worry about them disappearing into the border.
The red is the mystery quilt pattern I was testing a couple of weeks ago. I have the straight line quilting done and now need to add the holly leaves. 7 sets of 3 to go.
That yellow, green and fireworks is Fireworks Over John Deere. It is also this month’s UFO to be quilted. It measures 45 1/2″ wide and of course my backing fabric is only a tad over 40″ wide. So, I’ve got to make a backing.
I’ve got four of John Deere pillow panels and I’m considering using one or moe along with the fireworks fabric to make the backing. So, naturally, after I got the fabric and panels pressed I just left it on my ironing board while I make a decision.
Finally, believe it or not, I did a bit of hand quilting. Finished up 2 more hearts and moved the hoop for the first time in several months. I’m not sure when the last time I worked on the quilt.
To see if others are bouncing all over the place, check out the links at Patchwork Times. In the meantime, I’ll see if I can focus on just one or two projects.