Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

Found the Shirts


One of the things I learned at the retreat this past weekend is where to find inexpensive cotton shirts.  One of the thrift shop chains in town picks one color tag each Sunday and sells the clothes for 25¢ each or 5 for $1.  This week the color was yellow. At the first shop I picked up 10 pieces.  At the second I found 3.  There were yellow tagged 100% cotton shirts left behind at both shops.

My best guess is 19-1/2 yards of recycled fabric for $2.75 which is a little over 14¢ a yard.

This could be bad for my long-term stash report now that I know where to get the shirts…


One Thought on “Found the Shirts

  1. Joanie on June 1, 2014 at 6:27 pm said:

    And now you are closer to Bonnie’s next mystery.

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