Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

UFO Busting Link Up

It’s the end of the month and time to report my UFO Busting Progress.


  • # of Projects in Process January 1st: 69
  • # of Projects Completed: 3
  • # of New Projects Started: 0
  • # of Projects in Process January 31st: 66


The three projects are Jewels in the Night — it just needed the binding stitched down;  Scrappy Trips which needed quilting; and Jared Takes a Wife which also needed quilting.
Additionally I worked on 4 other UFOs. I finished the Christmas BOM quilt top; the rest of the Alphabet BOM blocks; and made 15 stars for my Star-A-Day quilt (as of 1/29).  Finally, I’ve pulled out the Orca Bay box and have started attaching the sashing to the blocks.
Above all, I’ve managed to not start anything new!
I’m linking up with Vicki Welsh‘s 2015 .

4 Thoughts on “UFO Busting Link Up

  1. Joanie C on January 30, 2015 at 4:14 pm said:

    You have been very busy!! So proud that you have not started anything new

  2. No NEW Projects. Nice to see someone without the Start-Itus I seem to have. Not playing the guilt game on it though, too many quilts- never enough time to stitch

  3. You’re really making progress on finishing your UFO’s! Congrats on not starting anything new. I’m struggling with that but determined to finish at least a few projects before starting something.

  4. Sounds like a lot of great progress! Loved your Jewels in the Night Quilt and the idea of doing a star a day (since I have a star quilt in progress too).

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