Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

What’s On My Design Wall


There’s been no change to my design wall this week. –Wait, now that I think about it I did tuck Piglet’s right arm under the body of the bass.  It looks much better, but I didn’t think to take a picture of it.

So, what have I been working on?  Well Monday, I did the Just Takes Two block and section. I think that was the last piecing I did.

Basically, I’ve been reading — Jennifer Chiaverini’s The Wedding Quilt and I’m nearly through Diana Gabaldon’s Dragonfly in Amber.  I might have been able to finish Dragonfly in Amber, but I was distracted.

I processed the shirts I bought Saturday and then pulled out overflowing box.


In each bundle I have the shirt back, fronts, sleeves and yoke.  The cuffs, collars and button placket has been tossed into a laundry basket for further processing.    I can’t wait to see all the shirts processed and then come up with a quilt for them.  I’ve got some ideas floating around my head, but I haven’t settled on anything yet.

Check out the other design walls over at Patchwork Times.

2 Thoughts on “What’s On My Design Wall

  1. I am looking forward to seeing what you have in mind for those shirts!

  2. so cute, piglet and a bass!! Wow there are tons of shirts there! Good luck in settling in on a plan.

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