Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

What’s On My Design Wall


I thought I would never get this quilt backing done.  For three days I cut 2-1/2″ strips from my stash of music fabric. While I was at it I also cut 5″ charms.  


Then I sewed them end to end, occasionally throwing in mitered seam if I was joining two longer pieces together.  When I got through this pile I only had 3318″, but it wasn’t enough. So, I cut more strips and charms. In the end I had approximately 4500″.

It took me 3 hours to get that first seam sewn.  The second seam took at least 2 – I only kind of timed it.  They really did get faster then – the last 4 seams only took 1-1/2 hours — not including time to press each seam after stitching.  Having made a jelly roll quilt w/o pressing and one w/pressing, I think it came out much better having pressed the seams.


The piece currently measures 70″ x 128″ — way longer than I need but I wanted 68″ in width without having to put a border on it.  The excess length will become the starting point of another quilt which I will call “Accidental”.

Oh — and my music stash?  It’s 8 yards smaller now. Admittedly the two drawers weren’t stuffed when I started but they both were “full”.


To see what others are up to hop over to Patchwork Times.

4 Thoughts on “What’s On My Design Wall

  1. Is this the backing for the Sydney Eeore quilt? It’s going to be fantastic!

  2. Love your strip quilt! It’s like a strip I SPY. Is this the back of a quilt? I very often do strip pieced backings, though my strips are wider. Uses stash, a plus for me. And pieced backings create fun two sided quilts : )

  3. You have quite a Music Fabric STASH still. That is a good use for the strips. Perfect for a backing on Eyeore. Thanks for the tip to Press as you sew.

  4. Sally T on June 16, 2014 at 11:35 am said:

    What a great backing. Plus a wonderful use of novelty fabric.

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