Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

What’s On My Design Wall



More stars!

For those of you keeping count, my start date on the stars is September 1st.  That means as of last night I should have 57 stars completed at one Star-A-Day.  As you can see, there are a few extra up on the wall.  The extra stars are because 1 – I prepped a month’s worth of stars in advance and 2 – there was a lot of sitting and waiting going on last week.  One more star (and I just need 3 background pieces attached) and I’ll have all of October’s stars done.

There are a few more rings stitched on the binding, but I’m not sure how many. Maybe later today I’ll have some time to figure that out.

See what others have on their design walls by following the links over at Patchwork Times.


2 Thoughts on “What’s On My Design Wall

  1. The tiny stars are adding up! Glad to hear you are still stitching on your DWR binding.

  2. Colleen on October 27, 2014 at 3:49 pm said:

    So glad for you that you have done a few stars ahead. You never know what life will put you through its so easy to fall behind. You are super smart to prep blocks so you can grab and go.
    I used to have “a keep my hands busy” bag to grab and go but my husband stopped having huge heart issues ( stabilized ) and small grandchildren to run after.
    Now last Friday back to ER with my husband with irregular heart beat and me just having to sit bed side and wait. From experience I can say much better for him and me and calming for both of us if I have hand work to do. It just moved the focus from all that we can’t do have no control over to something that is being done and is tangible.
    So today we wait for drs to call to set up our appointment schedule and I get busy getting a busy grab bag ready to go for the scheduled and unscheduled appointments/events
    Colleen in N California
    Where it rained and more is forecast several sunny warm days first

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