Technically, I still have Ladders to the Stars hanging on my design wall. However, for this week’s report I’m showing that I’ve gotten my Double Wedding Ring into the frame.
I basted with a combination of basting spray and #1 pins. There are spots which simply don’t lay flat. This was never intended to be a show quilt, so I’m OK with that. Or maybe I simply want it done, so I’m willing to over look things. Either way, I plan on starting the quilting this evening. My plan is to spend 30 minutes a day on this quilt.
The music quilt is up next.I’ll baste it tonight so I can start the machine quilting. I’d like to have it finished by next week, to take to the guild meeting but I’m beginning to wonder if I’ll get it done. Saturday is my nephew’s wedding to no quilting then, but I’ll have all day Monday instead to work on it. Of course the Sylvia’s Bridal Sampler BOW will be announced. I’ll need to get that worked in by Sunday night. I’m thinking something is not going to get done.
This will be especially true if I spend much time checking out other quilters’s design walls by following the links over at Patchwork Times.
Basting Spray and pins, I don’t think it is going to move on you. Hand Quilting will be worth the time you take, I’m sure. It’s a “labor of Love” for your own bed. I hope you have time to do your SBS. I always like seeing how yours turns out in the 30’s fabrics.
How exciting to be quilting on the DWR…..your quilting frame is just like mine that is aka my little design wall. 😉
You can get alot done in 30 minutes a day. You sound like me today…quick visits to a few blogs at a time. Have a great week.
It’s great weather here for lots of hand quilting…how about there??
the quilt is lovely, you will get a lot accomplished in 30 minute intervals. I, too, keep plugging away checking the blogs for DWmonday so much to see, I hate to miss one.
It looks really good. You can probably get alot done in 30 minutes per day! Cheers! Evelyn
When I saw your post I realized that I’d seen this quilt before — you had posted the finished top on the Connecting Threads DWR Chat group — !
Great to see you are moving right along to the quilting. I hope to get back to work on mine but at this point it may not be until next month. Or maybe I can add some work on it to my list of projects for this weekend’s Quiltathon…..